Newborn Care Specialist

Some families choose to have someone come in and take over care of the newborn for a specific period of time. This is where Newborn Care Specialist Services come in.

The responsibilities of a Newborn Care Specialist,usually encompass only the needs of the baby. The responsibilities are partially similar to that of the Postpartum Doula in that she provides newborn care instruction. The Newborn Care Specialist‘s role is focused on the care of the baby.

What is a Newborn Care Specialist?

Newborn Care Specialists, sometimes called “Baby Nurses” provide solely infant care. They are trained professionals who work with new parents to understand newborn issues and development. Newborn Care Specialists can assist with the family for a few weeks or even a few months following the baby’s birth. The Newborn Care Specialist care’s for the infant’s needs to give new parents plenty of rest time knowing their baby is being well cared for.

Newborn Care Specialists care for just the baby. General responsibilities include:

  • Care of baby
  • Bottle feeding baby
  • Establishing a routine and eating schedule
  • Help organize nursery
  • Can help detect jaundice, reflux, colic, and other common newborn issues that might need medical attention
  • Bathing, diapering
  • Bottle cleaning and sterilization